Saturday, July 7, 2012

June in Review, Part I (Mega Photo Alert)

June was an insanely full month for us, and in the Noon household, insanely full = insanely fun.
(Most of the time.) Here are some snapshots from the first half of June:

First post-Bridget date night:

The reason we hadn't been on a date in a while (worth it, of course!):

At beautiful Ella's birthday party:

Our cheeky little cross-dresser:

Nikki and Susan with Bridget:

Last days of school for both boys...(sob)...

Goofing around:

Playtime with Mamp:

 Our wonderful summer sitter Danielle (photo by Finny):

Yet another night out, this time with Lauren and Chris 
(pictured below eating a crazy egg burger at the Met Bar):

Fun with the Flemings...

 ...who decided they were coming home with us--Connor chose Bridget's car seat!

Impromptu brunch at Mindy and Bryan's:

To the zoo with Fiona, Skye, Connor, Brendan and Riley:

Hm...another cheeky cross-dresser?!

Casey comes to play (and gives me a glimpse of my near future):

Bridgie is still a girl of many facial expressions:

And her brothers still adore her:

So does her dad:

The boys have started various camps and activities:

While Bridget's biggest activity is her playmat:

Julie and I became running partners--
here we are following up our run with white wine, because who doesn't?

Our baths have become almost nightly due to all the sunscreen,
and the boys like to "swim" next to each other in the tub:

It's been an excellent start to our first summer as a family of five.
(Bridget agrees.)

And that's only through mid-month! More to come...

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