Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Bridget Turned One!

A Clifford cake to satisfy her love of dogs and the boys' love of...well, Clifford!

Rachel and Lucy

Bridget with her lifelong (ha) BFF Gracie and G's mom Mindy

Totally a freeze frame from Look Who's Talking Four

We wore Curious George party hats and decorated with a Thomas "Happy Birthday" sign...sorry, Bridgie, but that's what you get for having two older brothers

Jack, waiting for cake

This actually, no joke, ended in a bloody nose. These boys get wild when they play.

Skye says she's pretty wild too!

Bridget grinned when I brought out the cake--and it was the happiest reaction to a raucous round of "Happy Birthday" I'd ever seen from a one-year-old!

Julie serves up the carrot cake
Does she like it?

As if there was any doubt!


Oops, sugar crash.

And she's back!

Getting nuzzled by Mamp

And Finny!

Watching my kids love each other feels like observing the meaning of life from a front-row seat.

More love for Bridgie, now with grandparents!

Our family of five

And then things got silly, starting with the old Blonde-on-Blond trick...

followed by the self-titled "Shirt-head," Finny...

and Lucy trying to drink directly from the talking teapot.

Finn's back to ride on an elephant!

And finally, the girl of the hour, throwing herself backward and laughing like a hyena to end the night on a high note.

We loved celebrating our baby girl's first year with family and friends. If Bridget realizes even a quarter of how lucky she is to be so loved, she'll be a happy girl indeed.


Lisa M. Welsien said...

Love love love this blog post and love love love your sweet family. You all look so wonderful and happy...especially big girl, Bridget! Xoxo

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Bridget.
