Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween 2009

Halloween night began and ended in thermal pajamas covered with cars. "VROOM!" shouts Will every time he sees them in his closet.

When Dave or I stay in the bathroom too long--longer than ten seconds, say--Will gets antsy and starts jiggling the doorknob and banging on the door. Here he is trying to cajole Dave out into the hallway in order to START CELEBRATING HALLOWEEN ALREADY!

When we arrived at Auntie Rache and Uncle Ben's, Mr. Monkey was mostly interested in the gravestones in the front yard.

There were also some very cool Jack o' Lanterns on the front stoop, causing a delighted Will to point out the pumpkins ("Puh-kuh, puh-kuh, puh-kuh!") every time they caught his eye.

He looks a bit like a disgruntled bear in the above photo--a bear with extremely meaty cheeks. Yum.

Deranged cousin Bella was in charge of passing out candy. Somehow, at eight years old, she knows every kid in the neighborhood, including the teenagers.

An attempt at a group picture--Joe had already changed out of his wolf suit. My sister made both kids' costumes by hand. And did I mention she just found out that she passed the Massachusetts Bar? Yeah, she's a bit of an overachiever.

And here are the boys partying it up in their PJ's after the tricks and treats were done. William kept repeating "Joe! Joe!" whenever we said his cousin's name.

Hope everyone else had a great Halloween, too...and a smooth transition to Daylight Savings Time!

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