Monday, December 15, 2008

Guess Who's Wearing Size 3 Diapers?

My eleven-week-old son, that's who. I had to switch from Size 2 after there was a bit of an explosion down under this morning. We are now using chlorine-free Seventh Generation brand because we got such a good deal at, and because I never miss an opportunity to "do good" (for the planet and for Will, at least theoretically) without paying extra cash.

So now young William is in diapers meant for children weighing 16 to 28 pounds. This hefty range blows my mind a little bit, but I will try to ignore it and pretend I am not worried that my son will someday be the subject of a Discovery Health channel documentary on giantism. (Just kidding, I'm really not worried. Most of the time.)

I know it is ridiculous to even mention this, but I don't get anything for talking about any products or websites here. My only reasons for writing about what I like and don't like are to have a record for my own purposes, and to offer suggestions to friends and family who are interested. I would have zero problems making extra money via those reviews, but I doubt that my objectivity will ever be compromised in such a welcome way. ;-)

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